

2022年10月10日 世界精神卫生日.

By. Tajuana Lordeus, PA-C, DMSc

2022年10月10日 世界精神卫生日. This observance was established in 2013 by the 世界卫生组织 to stimulate awareness and provide support to those experiencing mental health concerns.1 Over the years, this movement has evolved to include events, poetry, podcasts, and more.  This year’s theme is ‘让精神现金足球网哪个好成为所有人的优先事项 a Global Priority.



在具有里程碑意义的, we are proud to be able to contribute to making this theme a reality by offering behavioral health services in the 22 states where we see patients. Although we have trained behavioral health teams that include psychiatrists, 行为现金足球网哪个好顾问, 行为保健经理, and social workers; we also have other members of our staff 谁 employ techniques that facilitate meeting behavioral health needs indirectly.

Our ambassadors frequently provide a listening ear and will screen for psychosocial needs that may require an escalation to our behavioral health team. Our nurse care managers triage calls that may have underlying anxiety and depressive components contributing to worsening chronic illness management, and which may need a referral to obtain additional services to address those needs. Our providers screen for behavioral health conditions and are often, 在他们的医疗评估期间, providing techniques and education to reduce stress that can worsen health outcomes when comorbid diseases are present.

在具有里程碑意义的, our belief is that everyone has a role in improving behavioral health care. 这些患者接触者, screenings and interventions are tremendously impactful – especially in a time when many do not have access to care even as anxiety and depressive disorders globally have risen by 25% since the pandemic.2


夫人. R* is an 85-year-old female 谁 has had multiple strokes, limiting her mobility. Additional diagnoses include chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and coronary artery disease. She lives with her spouse and has children that can assist with her care.  Following screening and based on the team’s identification of an increase in depression, a referral was placed to the behavioral health team.

夫人. R began working with Adam Lawson, LCSW 谁 provided education to 夫人. R on her symptoms and provided behavioral health interventions to better equip her to manage her depression.   This included sharing techniques such as deep breathing, 重塑消极思想, 使用感恩日记, 积极的自我肯定.  另外, Novlett坎贝尔, PMHNP worked collaboratively with Adam and the medical provider which resulted in recommendations to introduce medications to address the depression.

This combination of interventions proved beneficial to 夫人. R.  Following the repeat administration of standardized screening tools for depression and anxiety 夫人. R. experienced a 50% reduction in depression and anxiety over the next four months.   夫人. R. shared that because of these interventions, 她现在不那么担心了, tries not to get as down by her limited mobility and dependence on others, and is learning to focus on things she is able to control on her own.

Reflecting on the care delivered to 夫人. R. 和其他标志性患者, 坎贝尔分享道, “The services we provide are essential for our patients’ mental health because we help them better understand their disease process, 用于治疗的药物, and the side effects associated with the medications. Our goal is to help them have a life as close to their ‘normal’ as possible.”

在我们纪念世界精神卫生日之际, 想想我们每个人, regardless of our education or background, can stretch ourselves to have an impact to reduce the stigma of mental health conditions and make mental health a priority for all.

*Patient name changed to protect the patient identity.


  1. 2022年世界精神卫生日. Make Mental Health For All a Global Priority. 通讯工具. http://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/communications-toolkit-for-un-organizations_world-mental-health-day-2022.pdf. 于2022年9月6日生效.
  2. 2022年世界精神卫生日. 世界卫生组织. http://www.谁.int/campaigns/world-mental-health-day/2022. 于2022年9月8日生效.